Spend Wisely, Stay Merry: Mindful Holiday Living


The holidays are here. Even though the holiday season can be associated with positive emotions, joy, happiness, and warmth, things can quickly turn around, and our stress levels often increase for several reasons, including overspending.  Money has a direct impact on our lives as a whole, not only materially but also mentally. For many of […]

Holiday Harmony: Managing Family Stress


The holiday season is a time traditionally marked by joy and laughter. The whole family comes together to celebrate and tighten bonds. Of course, reuniting with your loved ones is fun and exciting, but let’s face the reality that these reunions can also bring their fair share of stress. How many times have you sat […]

Acceptance Nurse Psychotherapy Clinic Takes Home Provincial Nurse Innovator Award


We at Acceptance Nurse Psychotherapy are overjoyed and deeply honoured to share this exciting news with you. We won the Provincial Nurse Innovator Award! Congrats to our fantastic and enthusiastic team!  Our clinic, located in Peterborough, has been acknowledged by the Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario for its innovative approach to mental health care. This […]

Workplace Bullying: Shedding Light on the Silent Suffering


Workplace Bullying: Shedding Light on the Silent Suffering Bullying is a pervasive problem that can affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. It manifests in various forms, from schoolyards to online spaces and even within the walls of a workplace. As we observe Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, it is crucial to […]

Beneath the Surface: Exploring the Complex Realities of ADHD in Women


It’s the 21st century, and many people worldwide experience what can be called mental health enlightenment. The days are almost gone when a person with a mental illness felt like an outcast, deemed to be “different”, not even realising that they had to seek help and get better. With an increased awareness of mental health […]